Wednesday, June 4, 2008

John McCain: The Core and Essence of What is Best In America

Senator Barack Obama made every American proud with his singular success in becoming the first black American to become the nominee for President of the United States.

Secretary of State Colin Powell might have done that, but the core values of the national Democratic Party - the DNC - not Democrats, would never allow that in any black person. Powell stands opposed to a culture of reliance on government to give his life meaning. Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice who has fought to free Americans of a sense of victimhood and dependence. Thomas Sowell, a powerful black scholar, is wildly dismissed by DNC bigotry.

Barack Obama champions the very principles of the DNC and has clearly articulated his embrace of ideas that create want in our cities, failing public schools, a dismissive attitude toward the sanctity of all human life, continued dependence on welfare and a culture of racial polarization.

In stark contast to Senator Obama stands Senator John McCain. The real agent for change in fixing government, promoting service to a cause greater than oneself, Victory in the Global War on Terror and promoting respect for the sanctity of human life.

Here is the clear choice articulated in Kenner, Louisiana last night

Both Senator Obama and I promise we will end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. But one of us has a record of working to do that and one of us doesn't. Americans have seen me put aside partisan and personal interests to move this country forward. They haven't seen Senator Obama do the same. For all his fine words and all his promise, he has never taken the hard but right course of risking his own interests for yours; of standing against the partisan rancor on his side to stand up for our country. He is an impressive man, who makes a great first impression. But he hasn't been willing to make the tough calls; to challenge his party; to risk criticism from his supporters to bring real change to Washington. I have.

When members of my party refused to compromise not on principle but for partisanship, I have sought to do so. When I fought corruption it didn't matter to me if the culprits were Democrats or Republicans. I exposed it and let the chips fall where they may. When I worked on campaign finance and ethics reform, I did so with Democrats and Republicans, even though we were criticized by other members of our parties, who preferred to keep things as they were. I have never refused to work with Democrats simply for the sake of partisanship. I've always known we belong to different parties, not different countries. We are Americans before we are anything else.

I don't seek the presidency on the presumption I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need. I seek the office with the humility of a man who cannot forget my country saved me. I'll reach out my hand to anyone, Republican or Democrat, who will help me change what needs to be changed; fix what needs to be fixed; and give this country a government as capable and good as the people it is supposed to serve. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected President, the era of the permanent campaign of the last sixteen years will end. The era of reform and problem solving will begin. From my first day in office, I'll work with anyone to make America safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit as long as America gets the benefit.

I have seen Republicans and Democrats achieve great things together. When the stakes were high and it mattered most, I've seen them work together in common purpose, as we did in the weeks after September 11th. This kind of cooperation has made all the difference at crucial turns in our history. It has given us hope in difficult times. It has moved America forward. And that, my friends, is the kind of change we need right now.

Thank you.

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