Monday, October 20, 2008

Meghan McCain Getting New Hampshire Tattoo?

**Very Nifty, in fact...I'm In . . .I'll get a McCain Star with *Country First and Live free or die* on the same day** (hell, maybe from the same folks right here in NH)

Meghan McCain: NH, I'll get tattoo for you

Union Leader Correspondent

If Sen. John McCain wins the presidency in a little more than three weeks, his daughter said she'll tattoo "Live Free or Die" somewhere on her body.

Of course, he would have to win in New Hampshire, too, said Meghan McCain, who was in Nashua yesterday thanking volunteers at the McCain-Palin campaign office.

The tattoo, which would probably go on her wrist, would be her way of commemorating her father's run for the presidency, she said. It was in New Hampshire that McCain revived his faltering presidential bid during the presidential primary in January.

"New Hampshire is so important to me and my family," she said.

Earlier, McCain told a supporter that she would be "extremely depressed" if her dad loses in New Hampshire.

"More so than any other state," she said.

Made famous by her blog -- (click for link)-- Meghan McCain has also been on the road publicizing her book for children, "My Dad, John McCain," appearing on national news and talk shows.

McCain signed several of her books yesterday as she greeted supporters.

"Thank you for buying it. It's beating the Obamas' children's book," she told one woman, with a smile.

McCain drove to New Hampshire yesterday morning in a Straight Talk Express Bus. She was traveling from Hofstra University on Long Island, N.Y., after watching her dad aggressively take on Sen. Barack Obama at Wednesday night's presidential debate.

"I'm glad he took the gloves off," she said of her father's performance.

She said her favorite line of the debate was when her father said, "I'm not President Bush."


John McCain's daughter, Meghan, has her picture taken with Linda Twombly, who has made more phone calls for McCain than anyone else in the state. (SUZANNE BATES)

Most of the time the attacks on her father roll off her back, she said, but she said she was extremely angry about a photo shoot of her father for the magazine "The Atlantic." The magazine hired a stridently Democratic photographer, who later told a blog that she left his eyes looking red and his skin looking bad on purpose.

"It's one of the most disturbing things that's ever happened to me in politics," the junior McCain said.

She also defended her father's attacks on Obama. There would be fewer attacks if Obama had agreed to the 10 town hall debates her father had suggested, she said, reiterating a point her father made during Wednesday's debate. After appearing in Nashua, McCain was off to Dover to thank volunteers there.

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